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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Open Invitation To The Blank Canvas

The Blank Canvas - Blank Canvas Art Group[entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Blank Canvas - Gatherings for Art

Blank Canvas Art Group[Jan. 20th, 2012|09:30 pm]
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The Blank Canvas Art/Creativity Circle meets approximately once a month
on a Saturday from 5 to 7, at the Peace Center of Delaware County,
1001 Old Sproul Road, Springfield, PA,
in an accepting, nonjudgmental atmosphere of
creative adventure and fun.

We gather and DO art, crafts or writing, seeking to listen to the stillness
inside in order to honor intuition and inspiration: that sacred surprise
when art turns you in an unexpected direction in the labyrinth of the artistic journey.
And we end our art experience with a short period of silence and stillness

Everyone is welcome: "talent" not required: only a spirit of adventure and
the courage to name yourself "artist" or "writer". We are open to all and honor diversity in all its forms. We are not affiliated with any other group or organization.

We are open to all. Children must be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for them the entire time: we do not provide separate "play space" or babysitting. Use your judgment whether a particular month's activity is appropriate. 

Upcoming Events:

Saturday February 18th: Introduction to Watercolor:

Saturday March 3rd: ATCs (Artist Trading Cards)

Click Here to see the great stuff we did at past gatherings.

Contact info: Laurie: or 610-259-5761

Join our Yahoogroup for up to date info on our activities:

Please join us and discover the artist or writer within!

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